Corporate Website Development for the Charitable Foundation "Give Me Wings"
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Give me wings

Corporate website for a Charitable social assistance foundation in St. Petersburg

  • Type: Corporate website
  • Direction: Web development
  • Duration: 2 months
  • Address:
  • Industry: Charity

Create a simple and intuitive corporate website for the "Give Me Wings" Charitable Foundation in St. Petersburg. The goal of the website is to provide visitors with the opportunity to learn about the foundation's projects and activities, as well as to make charitable donations.


1. Selecting and customizing a WordPress template.

- Initially, we conducted a detailed requirements gathering and competitor analysis to understand which features and elements should be included in the website. This allowed us to create a precise technical specification and select the most suitable template on the WordPress platform.

- We then thoroughly restructured the chosen template to meet the specific needs of the Charitable Foundation.

- We designed a unique logo that reflects the mission and values of the foundation, and created prototypes of the pages to visualize the future design and functionality of the website.

2. Programming based on developed prototypes.

- The next step was the installation and configuration of WordPress. We adapted the template to the client's specific requirements, adding necessary plugins and modules.

- We integrated a form submission functionality to allow users to easily contact the foundation, ask questions, or leave their feedback.

- Implemented smooth link transitions to ensure easy navigation throughout the site.

- Special attention was given to integrating a donation system through a reliable payment gateway, making the donation process as simple and secure as possible.

3. Admin panel configuration.

- Configured the admin panel so that foundation staff could independently edit content, add new projects, and publish news without needing to involve developers.

- Created a user-friendly interface for site management, significantly simplifying content management and allowing for quick updates.

4. Creating unique texts (Copywriting).

- Prepared high-quality texts for all sections of the website, which not only inform visitors about the foundation's activities but also inspire participation in charitable initiatives.

- The texts were written with the target audience in mind, focusing on ease of understanding and emotional engagement.

5. Product testing.

- Conducted multi-stage testing of the website's functionality on various devices and browsers to ensure its flawless performance.

- Fixed all detected errors and optimized the site's performance to ensure fast and stable access for users.

6. Domain purchase and server allocation.

- Configured all necessary hosting parameters to ensure the site runs smoothly and can handle high traffic loads.


As a result of the work completed, the "Give Me Wings" Charitable Foundation received a modern and user-friendly corporate website developed on the WordPress platform. The website offers the following advantages:

- Simple and intuitive for visitors to use.

- Provides an easy way to learn about the foundation's projects and activities.

- Integrated donation system for easy and secure contributions.

- Easy content management through the admin panel.

- Modern and professional appearance thanks to a unique design and logo.

The website allows the foundation to effectively draw attention to its projects and simplify the process of receiving charitable donations, contributing to the further development and support of social initiatives.

Projects in the direction of Unique design