How to create a snippet
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What is a snippet

SEO 2024-01-11

"Why is my site still not at the top?" A question that concerns all owners of "young" sites without exception. It is immediately worth noting that by the word "young" we mean a site that is not even a year old. Within the first year, search engines "get acquainted" with the resource. During this time, it is not worth expecting that traffic will flow like a river. Although in practice, everything depends on the optimization of the resource and its theme. We will definitely tell our blog readers what site optimization is. In the framework of this article, we will provide information about the snippet.

So, a snippet is a block of text information in the organic search results. The latter refers to the display of information in clickable info-blocks without the "advertisement" label. There is a separate article about organic results (organic) on the site's pages.

Why is the snippet so important

In essence, it is an "advertising" announcement created for display to Internet users. Before deciding to visit a site, a future visitor examines the information in the search results. Their gaze falls upon advertisements, text, pictures, videos. And among this wealth, a block of information without the "advertisement" label occupies a special place. Why special? Answer: the snippet occupies its place under the sun for free. But it can occupy different places: from top 1 to top 100. And of course, only the high top - 1-10, that is, all the blocks located on the first page, will sell. The second, third, fourth pages will not give a significant conversion (sales). But everyone wants to sell goods or services through the internet. It turns out that a snippet in the top 5-10 sells, and a snippet top 10 and further does not? Unfortunately, no.

Conclusion! It is important not only to create a high-quality snippet but also to place it in a high ranking of search engines using competent optimization methods.

How to create a selling snippet

"Quality" and "selling" are synonyms in relation to the info-block in the search. The first steps are to understand the elements of the snippet.


The title of the internet page for the browser is the definition of title. It plays a primary role in the formation of the information block. Search engines immediately pay attention to this title.

It should:

- contain a keyword or phrase.

- be no more than 50-55 characters.

- be unique.

- contain a branded query.


The description of the internet page is the description. It is part of the descriptive part of the snippet.

Description should be:

- unique.

- no more than 150-155 characters.

- with a key phrase (preferably at the beginning).

- with stated USPs (unique selling points) .

Attention! It is the clear USPs that make the info-block "selling."

What else is included in the snippet?

Additional links and microformat elements. It is impossible to place additional links when optimizing a site. They are written after the page is indexed based on the results of the search engines' crawl. Microformatting on the site adds to the snippet in the form of structured data. With its help, search engines more accurately analyze the content of the page and present information in the search in a more convenient form.


The snippet is important, the snippet is needed! A competently compiled info-block is the path to the top of sales through organic search tools.